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Monday, December 23, 2019

Magic of the Season

For me, living in a home with small children renews the magic of the holiday season exponentially. They look around and see the magic and the surprise and their energy is infectious.Their wonder and joy at the lights and magic in the air reminds us of the beauty of life, that we each have just this one time, this one chance, to live and share and give and love.
star light ornamentThe days are now growing longer, and the nights shorter. The energy that fills my life has shown bright on these long, dark nights with the sounds of laughter and running, the joy of living.
I am reminded that the holidays are a time to give thanks, to show my love and appreciation for those I am fortunate to have in my life. They are a time to celebrate this gift of life and to reflect on what we have accomplished and what we will accomplish in the year and years ahead. To set the framework now to ensure the best for the year ahead, to learn from the year that is falling behind, and to find joy in the life that we live.
Milky Way with treesThe relationships I have forged remind me everyday that what we each truly want is to be loved and to share our love with those around us. It is a wonderful time to reflect and reinforce what we want our lives to mean and what we want our lives to be remembered for once we are gone. I meet many different people in my life, and those I am fortunate to have the chance to work with reinforce for me this idea that we want to share our lives and share our love with all those we are connected to for as long as we can.
If you reflect on your year and look ahead with a desire to put a framework in place to share with those you love reach out to me and we can design an estate plan that accomplishes just what you want. Learn more at my website or on my facebook page.
Disclaimer: The materials contained on this page is for general informational purposes, it should not be considered formal legal advice and does not create a formal lawyer/client relationship.

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